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Is there a way I can download the 2019 question library to an excel file?
Our survey launched today, we noticed an error of leadership name and stopped the pulse so employees could not access the link. Are we able to relaunch the survey once we correct the error?Please adviseThanks
When we our surveys, we regularly have our HRBPs and Admins responding to manager requests for updates on their response rates. Is it possible to provide leaders with access to live response rates without providing live access to results? If it is not possible, would this be something considered on the roadmap?To clarify, we have historically provided managers with phased access of their results. Our reasoning had been to avoid a direct report mentioning to their manager that they just finished the survey and then having that manager notice their score(s) went up or down, compromising confidentiality slightly (especially on smaller teams).
As an employee I’d like to see my own personal survey responses from previous surveys. Where can I do this?
Hello community - can anyone direct me to instructions on how to ‘log in as’ another user? Many thanks
Hi - is there a way I can download the heatmap report and include the detail of each question?At the moment I am just seeing the category e.g. “Wellbeing”.Is there a way I can download the report with the detail of the question behind the category e.g. the question behind “Wellbeing” could be “How are you doing?”It just so happens I have multiple questions behind a category.This information is available in the platform when hovering, but I can’t seem to get it in a report.The example output I’m looking for: Demographic 1 Demographic 2 Wellbeing (How are you doing?) Wellbeing (How do you feel about tomorrow?) Thanks in advance!
Hello could anyone tell me when the benchmarks are updated please?
i dont see the survey results of my team, i have a team of 18 people , but when i click, In only see the results of the last 2 surveys COvid and the one done last December. Can you send me the link to the survey of August for my team
When adding sections to the report, new sections are automatically added to the bottom. This isn't always the best place for that section, and the only way we've been able to re-order sections is to delete them and then re-add them in an order that makes the most sense. Is there a feature that allows you to move a section up or down?
Download report with the questions in a survey into a word doc, excel or pdf
When choosing a Global benchmark as our first survey, we are curious if we can then drill down to combine the results just for Canada/USA in one view… or do we have to choose North America? We have no locations in Mexico - Only Canada and USA and want to view only Canada and USA comparisons. Also, can we see Canada/USA together or do we have to select them separately? thanks in advance
I have an employee who just returned from a Leave of Absence and is unable to take survey. When he clicks to take the survey, he sees the message “Successfully Logged Out” immediately after he logged in. How can this be resolved? Thank you.
Can you please check my access to My voice survey?I can not enter. I didn’t take the survey, but it looks like I’ve already done it
Curious if there is a way to download all of the alerts from a survey in one ppt? I could not find this option on the site like I have for other reports. Anyone find a solution for this
My Glint results are only for the first survey taken last year. How can I change the report to show the latest results?
I’m looking for guidance/ tool functionality through which I could review comments falling under the 3 sentiment categories - Positive, Neutral & Negative. Currently, for each questions all comments are shown together, however as an organization we would like deep dive more on comments trailing between negative to neutral and go through each to understand the pulse and underlying focus areas. Request more clarity and steps to access this feature - ‘To filter comments by sentiment- Positive, Neutral & Negative’
We’d like to create a distribution list for employees hired after a certain date. We will then exclude these employees from the survey. How can this be set up?
Hi Team,is it possible to assign the results of a team to another manager? I have a situation, that when the data were uploaded to the Glint platform before the survey and when the survey was closed, a team reported to a person who is not a manager of this team any more. There's a new person in the manager's role for this team. I'd like him (the new manager) to work with the results in the platform as he also will conduct the Close the Loop sessions with his team and will hopefully see the improvement in the next year's edition of the survey.Thanks in advance.Stay at home! Stay safe!Kasia
Hi All - Can you explain if it’s possible to create user roles with location/function specific access?I want to give the HRBP for France, access to France only, and the HRBP for Global Finance, access to Finance only. Is this possible? ThanksMaura
Is there a way to make questions conditional or branch them. For example, if someone answers Yes the next question they’ll get is #2, but if they answer No, they will skip to #4/
why the favorable rate is 100% but the scores only have 81
Hi! We are currently working with a survey that has a scale from 1-5 and we want to migrate this survey to Glint but in order to track improvements with previous ones we need to keep decimals in results : (4.45 vs rounded results).We understand that in the platform dashboards this is not possible, but we were wondering if the results could be exportable to Excel so that we calculate final avgs by area with a pivot table (Only with name of the area, not the name of the person so that we keep confidentiality). Is this possible? Thanks in advance, Paula.
Can a manager change the language that the team conversation will be presented in? For example, a manager took the survey in English, but will want to present the conversation in Spanish, is that possible?
I am not able to see the Voice Survey response rate for my team from front end window :- Please help /suggest !
Hi,Ericsson Leadership 360 Assesment report pending at "Awaiting Results" for 8 days. Could you please check if something wrong with my report generation.BR
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