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Previously when we have sent out surveys employees can access the link from their work emails with no problem. We launched our survey yesterday and unless you are a people manager with SSO access you cannot access the survey. All of our employees access is listed as none...but I can’t update it and not sure if that will fix the problem.
I'm not able to login to see survey results. It refers me to a link in an email. I used the link in the power point instructions, given by Jake Armstrong. I understand he is no longer with the company.
Hi,I have 10 people in my group, 8 of them responded to survey. I ended up with a score of 91% on one question. I can also see in the exec summary that “% favorable” for that question is 100. How do I end up with 91%? Unless there is different weight for 4 and 5 answers, it seems impossible to get 91%Thanks
We’d like the ability to customize the ‘from email address’ when sending surveys out to employees. Our employees are well versed in phishing recognition, and many have flagged our initial surveys as potential spam. In place of the existing email address (Glint <>) we’d like to propose that the following is available: (Glint Survey<survey@[]).That change would increase confidence in user response to surveys, and simplify setup for configuration teams, who can add their domain, rather than whitelisting the domain.Please let me know if anyone has found a way to manage this to date, if not, I’ll push forward with a roadmap enhancement request.
why the favorable rate is 100% but the scores only have 81
Hello! I'm trying to get a good "layman's verbiage on how to explain "Impact" and its different scales (high, very high, etc) on a pulse survey? I understand the scientific definition offered in the resources sections of the community, but wanted to ask if you have a simple way of explaining it. thanks,from a first time pulse user
I cannot see the results of my 5 direct reports and over 300 indirect reports.
Hi, how is the score calculated for a question with a "skip" response. For eg 1 skip , 6 with answers. I assume only the 6 with answers are calculated as the average of 6 responses. Thanks
I have a few questions where all of the respondents gave a 5 rating, which should yield an average score of 100. But the Glint scores on those questions are 80s and 85s. How does that compute?
Is there a way I can download the 2019 question library to an excel file?
Hello Glint Support deskI have joined recently as Line Manager. Pls guide me , How Do I check my dashboard /status of Survey completed in my unit. While login to my account , I am unable to see % survey completion status of my team RegardsManoj KumarSignum – ECIMAKU
I filled out a survey last week. But, I would like to retract it is possible. Natasha has only been my boss for 3 weeks. That’s not really long enough to judge anybody.
When we our surveys, we regularly have our HRBPs and Admins responding to manager requests for updates on their response rates. Is it possible to provide leaders with access to live response rates without providing live access to results? If it is not possible, would this be something considered on the roadmap?To clarify, we have historically provided managers with phased access of their results. Our reasoning had been to avoid a direct report mentioning to their manager that they just finished the survey and then having that manager notice their score(s) went up or down, compromising confidentiality slightly (especially on smaller teams).
Can you please share how you convert raw numbers into a final score? So for example, if on a question your favorability is 89%, nuetral is 11% and unfavorability is 0% - how would you convert that to a final score?
I'm new to Glint so apologies for what might sound like a silly question. So, who is the survey benchmarked against? The rest of the company, other organisations? if the latter how do i know what sector these orgs are in? Can i benchmark against sectors that are similar to my org? thanks
What is the score we are looking for in the employee engagement survey?
I currently have five directs with employees reporting to them. I am able to access results for four; however, one states "Suppressed Data". How can I view results for this direct/and their team?
What does the red and blue and correlating score ranges mean in the heat map? Is that score below benchmark or is there some other meaning that influences the colors?
Hello could anyone tell me when the benchmarks are updated please?
As an employee I’d like to see my own personal survey responses from previous surveys. Where can I do this?
Hi! We are currently working with a survey that has a scale from 1-5 and we want to migrate this survey to Glint but in order to track improvements with previous ones we need to keep decimals in results : (4.45 vs rounded results).We understand that in the platform dashboards this is not possible, but we were wondering if the results could be exportable to Excel so that we calculate final avgs by area with a pivot table (Only with name of the area, not the name of the person so that we keep confidentiality). Is this possible? Thanks in advance, Paula.
I don’t understand how Glint is deciding to color code results in a pulse survey. I will see some items in blue, grey, or red and I can’t figure out what dictates the color coding. For example, I have one question with all favorable responses and score of 90 but it is colored red. Yet I have a different question with all favorable responses and score of 90 that is colored blue. This doesn’t make sense to me. Both questions are higher scores than the last survey so both have trended up. Why is one red and the other blue? I have not been able to find details on this coloring. Does anyone have more info on this?
Is there a way of extracting a pdf version of the survey to share with participants in advance? We have workforce that are not all on email. Thanks Mia
I am trying to create new action plans and can not seem to find where I need to go to create them. Can someone assist me. Thank you.
Is it possible to download a csv file of all survey results? I am unable to find how to do so or if it is even possible to do so.
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