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Download report with the questions in a survey into a word doc, excel or pdf
Who can tell me how i can enter a previous pulse and get the relevant data/graphs from it. Just like as it is the pulse that was just becoming availableThank you
i dont see the survey results of my team, i have a team of 18 people , but when i click, In only see the results of the last 2 surveys COvid and the one done last December. Can you send me the link to the survey of August for my team
I’m looking for guidance/ tool functionality through which I could review comments falling under the 3 sentiment categories - Positive, Neutral & Negative. Currently, for each questions all comments are shown together, however as an organization we would like deep dive more on comments trailing between negative to neutral and go through each to understand the pulse and underlying focus areas. Request more clarity and steps to access this feature - ‘To filter comments by sentiment- Positive, Neutral & Negative’
Hi i am looking to download my glint report as a presentation but i cant find a button to do this.Please Help
We can’t vieuw the comments and reactions on the summary report
What is the difference between the Roll-up Hierarchy and Directs file when downloading the manager report results in spreadsheet format? I am trying to understand what the main difference is between the data displayed in the Roll-up Hierarchy Report versus the Directs report when downloading files from the manager report.
How do we edit the comments after it’s submitted for a 360 response for an individual please? I submitted an incomplete response.
Hello I am just trying to find the survey questions. I may be searching incorrectly - finding lots of guides but not the survey questions we can review to select.
Hello, I am only able to access the results from our September 2018 survey, but also need to see the results from our August 2019 survey. Please advise. Thank you,
Our survey was original set to end today, we would like to extend the deadline until Friday. How do we do this?
Is there a guideline as to how much the esat score is expected to improve from one survey to the next based on where on the scale your score is?
I am trying to thin out the distribution lists in the system as we created some that haven't been used and I cant seem to get rid of them. I click on the required list and can see the discard button but unless I make a change it wont let me click on it and still then it will only get rid of my change not the whole list itself.Also if I added a group accidentally eg all active employees to a distribution list is there no way of removing them other than manually excluding the whole list in this case over 4 thousand names?
i would like to review my previous comments. Is there a place that I can retrieve my own comments from a survey that I submitted?
I sent a request for feedback to a colleague who accidentally submitted the response without filling out the survey. Is there a way to delete her response and resend the invitation, or allow her to edit her response?
How do I print/download my departments results?
I've entered focus area and actions twice and it does not appear to be saved. How do I save once I complete.
Hi - how do you create a key word comment cloud for a specific question? I only seem to be able to do it with the Engagement questions included.thanksSophie
I’d like to create custom groups using the filtering options. For example, if I wanted to look at Pulse results and compare them between job functions and managers from different business unites within my company, I would first have to filter under one manager and pull the report - then find the second manager and pull that report which will ultimately have to be manually merged together using excel. Is there a way to combine AND statements within the filter so I can combine multiple reports at different levels within Glint?
I would like to provide a generic link to Glint so all my new hires can access a welcome survey. How do I create this link?
Hi,Is there a function for the subject to modify their own survey in their local language?i.e. they receive the survey in the default English and they then have the option to select a preferred language for their raters?Thanks
A manager is able to see his comments but the organization hierarchy attribute is being suppressed. This manager has 50 respondents and 68 comments. Does this mean org hierarchy is being suppressed because it doesn’t meat the threshold to show team break outs?
Is it possible to add a hyperlink in the greeting text of a survey? The usual html code doesn’t seem to work. We would like add a link to an FAQ but would prefer to not write out the whole url.
Good morning,we are planning the first launch of our employee engagement survey with Glint, so exciting.In our organization we have several employees that have a direct and a dotted line manager. We worked to have this reflected in Glint and seems to work well as we can now see 1 report for the direct reports of the manager and 1 report for the functional reports. What we cannot see is the aggregation of the 2. Did anyone experience something similar? How did you solve it? Forgot to answer that our HRIS system is Workday. Thank you in advanceBest Regards,Cristina
Is there a library of videos to download? I want to communicate to my managers how to take action planning. This is the link to the video I would like: I would like to include this vignette in my powerpoint. Thanks!LisaHRBP
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