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The below is a screenshot of the ACT conversation post-survey worksheet that is included in the PowerPoint export of survey results. Is there a Word or PDF version of this document so our leaders can take notes in the form?
I have 15 unit managers along with their teams that belong to my larger team. WI can see their scores, is there a way to generate a report or see who is still to enter an action plan based on teams reaction to survey results?
One of my leaders would like to get an automated report on his participation every morning at 8am. Is there a way to set this up?Thanks! Susan
We have recently turned on Focus Areas Reporting for our HRBPs; however, after viewing what they are able to see I don’t feel like this report would provide the information they’re looking for.Is it possible to have our HRBPs be able to view the specific action items/focus areas for each manager that has added them in the Glint platform?
And (similar question) if a manager transfers to a new role do they see the previous data on their new team, and no longer have access to their old team’s data? Thanks, brains!
We are setting up User Roles for the first time and would like to know how to bulk load leaders into each User Role based on certain attributes. Every guidance I have seen requires you to identify individuals and go in to add User Role in that profile. This manual process is not feasible for hundreds of manager roles. There must be some way to add many leaders into one User Role without going through this process, but I cannot find information on how. Thank you!
Hi, my team is responsible for providing analysis on the survey results. We can share reports built with specific filter views, but only the author is able to view the filters and update the filters. Is there a way to enable a select group of analysts to share reports so we have the same source of truth? The only workaround I can come up with so far is for each analyst to create identical reports using identical filters. Any other ideas? This risks that if one analyst accidentally changes the filters, the team will not be in sync.
Hi, whenever we have managers new to the role or leading a new team, is there any action that needs to be taken by the Admin with regards to their access ? i.e.for the newly hired manager :- does the access need to be set up in the platform (or does that happen automatically)- does this manager have access to his current team’s previous survey resultsand for the manager taking the lead for a new team:- is the tool automatically updating their access or does the Admin need to make the changes?- do they keep or lose the access to the results of their previous team(s)?Is there a document or other asset with further info on the above?Thank you!
How do I know or where can I find at list of companies that make up my benchmark data?
Hey Community.I have a theory but looking for the legitimate answer--Why does impact change when you look at different slices of data for the same question?VS.
I’m trying to create an onboarding survey where we can check-in with the manager on how well their new hire is doing. Would I set this up as a lifecycle survey like I did for the check-in with the new hire? It would be similar questions and format as what we ask a new hire to complete about their first 30/90 days, but the manager would be completing instead of the new hire.
In order to recognize folks that are contributing to feedback in a large change management project? I’m 99% sure there is not, but ultimately you can see if someone has taken a survey by seeing if it is still live in their account view.
Hello,Some of my managers have this view on their dashboard breaking down their individual teams:While other managers have this view, even though they look over multiple teams:How does one get the first view?
Hello community - can anyone direct me to instructions on how to ‘log in as’ another user? Many thanks
How do I grant access to view People Pulse results to my Management Team?
We would like to provide a QR code to our employees as part of our monthly call to encourage completion for our engagement survey ?Can anyone provide instructions??Many thanks,Eryn
We have had some restructuring where teams have moved under a new manager. Our assumption is that the prior manager will continue to have that team’s historical results in their dashboard, and the new manager will have that team’s results going-forward. Is that true? If so, is there any way to include those historical results in the new team’s dashboard so that we can truly understand trends for the current team structures and compare “apples-to-apples”?
What does My Teams refer to?Thank you
Where can I access comments from responders?
I have a few departments that have only 2 people in them. Both employees have filled the survey out, but the data does not reflect a completion rate. It states that the data is insufficient. I assume that this is going to be the same for all small department sizes. Is there a certain number that your department must be in order to aggregate data?
There are many user roles within our platform that are no longer used and I do not see how to clean these up and delete them? Valori
I used the manager hierarchy filter under reports to pull a manager’s results. I believe I selected her direct reports and their teams. The report shows 9 responses (9 out of 10) and a score of 75 (-5 from last survey). I then used the reports to manager ID filter and see 8 (8 of 9) responses and a score of 72(-18)Will you explain what each of these report pulls and how I see such a discrepancy in the results. I am guessing the manager is NOT included in the reports to manager ID report.
We’d like to create a distribution list for employees hired after a certain date. We will then exclude these employees from the survey. How can this be set up?
I’m now on the last day to participate in our current Pulse survey. I’d like to see what my department’s current participation rate is so that I can “rally the troops” if it’s not what I expect. I’d like to see the progress of my sub-organizations to give them motivation against their peers to potentially increase participation. How do I see my personal org performance while the survey is still active?
This is our first time using Glint Engagement Pulse Survey. We are learning how to use tool most effectively. Our survey is closed and I need to get my managers access to their reports. They have the permissions - how do they access the tool?
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