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i dont see the survey results of my team, i have a team of 18 people , but when i click, In only see the results of the last 2 surveys COvid and the one done last December. Can you send me the link to the survey of August for my team
Where can I find the employee/manager login summary report?
Unable to view Voice of Associate 2022 results
I didn’t receive the link to do the survey
I would like to add my Payroll Manager as an administrator to the system as they might become involved in the SFTP uploads in the future. how do I give them access?Geraldene
Where can I access the Alert Summary?
Hi,I have 10 people in my group, 8 of them responded to survey. I ended up with a score of 91% on one question. I can also see in the exec summary that “% favorable” for that question is 100. How do I end up with 91%? Unless there is different weight for 4 and 5 answers, it seems impossible to get 91%Thanks
We have been using Glint for 7+ years, and I would like to see the eSat over a longer period of time. I n the reports I cannot find a way to get anything more than trailing 9 months. How do I get older data?
How do I reach out to Glint support to have the surveys reset? I’m working at GE and I have some trouble with this. Thanks
I cannot edit or delete a goal for my directs after cascaded or assigned- Why isnt this option available?
Hi Team I am trying to view my survey results however i am unable to view it and below is what i see. Please help
Dear all,I wish to provide an option to initiate a standalone 360 feedback for some of my team members. With standalone I mean - it is not part of any existing bigger program for training. How can I facilitate that? ThanksRitu Rishi
Can a manager change the language that the team conversation will be presented in? For example, a manager took the survey in English, but will want to present the conversation in Spanish, is that possible?
In my response rate I see the number of 8 respondents out of 13 but I am sure that 12 out of 13 filled in the survey. My department consists of office people and 5 logistics people who have their own team lead but are too small to have their own results. Those 5 people are included in my total but their scores are not included in my results. Can someone let me know how this can be corrected?
When I select the technical support in the Glint application - it takes me to a blank page. Looking for a demo or support on how best to navigate the application since it’s not the most intuitive. Thank you!
I still don't have access to any of my comments or results in my Glint as a manager. I only see pulses and the surveys I have taken previously.
Hi there,If I want to compare the results of a current survey with the previous one (in one page with all the questions), how I can do it? Thanks. Terrence
How do I see all of my teams results? including direct reports of a direct report?
In a census employee survey, when all employees are invited to answer the survey, what range of response rate is considered representative of the whole population? And what is the rational behind it?
I am a team manager for direct sales and I do not have access to my teams glint scores.
Nevermind, I´m new to glint, thought this is a support group..but i shouldnt post it here.
I am a team manager and have been since 9/5/2020 but I cannot see my team under me.
I would like to provide a generic link to Glint so all my new hires can access a welcome survey. How do I create this link?
ow to change a driver in a pulse after the closing in the platform?
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