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How can I change the language in my GLINT dashboard? Currently I have german as default language and I would like to pull out the report in English
In order to recognize folks that are contributing to feedback in a large change management project? I’m 99% sure there is not, but ultimately you can see if someone has taken a survey by seeing if it is still live in their account view.
Cannot see the results and reports of March 2020
I didnt have enough of my team participate in the recent survey to get any results. Will i be able to enter any goals into the tool?
Is it possible to build a report that shows whether there is a statistical difference in our engagement/topic scores between different population groups?
Can the multiple choice report be exported into a spreadsheet? I don’t seem to have the option to export as a spreadsheet in my list of report export options. If not, can this be added as a future enhancement?
Where can I find Exit Survey responses in Glint for terminated employees?
I’ve created and shared a custom report. I would now like to see what it looks like when another user opens up the link. How do I view a custom report as another user?If I use the “Login As”, I can view default reports as another user, but I can’t see custom reports built by me.
Hi! Can I have a glint account to create a survey to send to customers? For customer feedback
I recently had a manager ask if his responses were included in his results or his manager’s results. I figured it was the latter, but wasn’t sure. As well, are the CEO’s results included anywhere? Thanks!
How to check which companies are we benchmarking against (for the global benchmark)?
Hello, I am only able to access the results from our September 2018 survey, but also need to see the results from our August 2019 survey. Please advise. Thank you,
Is it possible to download all comments to spreadsheet with the sentiment indicated? I see how to download them by question, but not by sentiment.
Hi i am looking to download my glint report as a presentation but i cant find a button to do this.Please Help
I’d like to create custom groups using the filtering options. For example, if I wanted to look at Pulse results and compare them between job functions and managers from different business unites within my company, I would first have to filter under one manager and pull the report - then find the second manager and pull that report which will ultimately have to be manually merged together using excel. Is there a way to combine AND statements within the filter so I can combine multiple reports at different levels within Glint?
I’d like to see if there are spikes in responses following previous reminder emails, but can’t find that detail in the dashboard. We’re in the final days of our first engagement pulse and my leadership wants to send reminder emails almost daily.
One of our senior leaders (org size of 380) clicked on a topic in the strengths and opportunities section. When he scrolled down to the Managers section, only 2 of 3 of his SBUs had noted results. There was an All section, where the third SBU results would be included. I checked and the topic was on the opportunity side of the missing SBU. See the screen shot below.
Is there a way to adjust the column in the multiple choice by demographic table so I can see the entire text of the options? I'd like to export the table but if the end user can't see the text its not as useful. Any suggestions?
Hello! I'm trying to get a good "layman's verbiage on how to explain "Impact" and its different scales (high, very high, etc) on a pulse survey? I understand the scientific definition offered in the resources sections of the community, but wanted to ask if you have a simple way of explaining it. thanks,from a first time pulse user
One of my leaders would like to get an automated report on his participation every morning at 8am. Is there a way to set this up?Thanks! Susan
I currently have five directs with employees reporting to them. I am able to access results for four; however, one states "Suppressed Data". How can I view results for this direct/and their team?
Hi, I'm designing a ad-hoc survey. In mail communications, is there any way to split paragraphs in email message? Thanks!
Hi Team,is it possible to assign the results of a team to another manager? I have a situation, that when the data were uploaded to the Glint platform before the survey and when the survey was closed, a team reported to a person who is not a manager of this team any more. There's a new person in the manager's role for this team. I'd like him (the new manager) to work with the results in the platform as he also will conduct the Close the Loop sessions with his team and will hopefully see the improvement in the next year's edition of the survey.Thanks in advance.Stay at home! Stay safe!Kasia
I am unable to download the action plans I created and they are not an available report. How can I download the action plans with details?
Can you explain what the comparison versus "my teams" shows?Thank you.
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