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I cannot see the results of my 5 direct reports and over 300 indirect reports.
I have set up a survey template for the end of year engagement surbvey which contains approx 40 questions. When I launched the survey it only picked up 14 questions. Why is this?
Cannot see my 5 direct reports and over 300 indirect reports.
I don’t have access tu survey results as a store manager.
Hello my name is Jason Neofotistos, I work at Waste Management and when I login to Glint I should see on my dashboard the responses from the recent survey that my company held and I can not se it or my dashboard. Please help.Hello my name is Jason Neofotistos, I work at Waste Management and when I login to Glint I should see on my dashboard the responses from the recent survey that my company held and I can not se it or my dashboard. Please help.
Hello- we are wanting to run our second year of the engagement survey but I don’t see instructions on how to run your engagement survey again to ensure you get historical data. Can someone help please?
Does the sentiment analysis work for non-English comments? Especially, simplified Chinese. If it does not handle Simplified Chinese, then how are the comments categorized?
I am having difficulty loading an employee database. An error is always displayed that the file needs to be in CSV, but the file is already saved in a CSV model.What should I do?
Team - An employee of ours keeps coming over as inactive on the vile feed and we’re getting the below error message, can you please assist. Thank you, Lauren From: Rubicon (Glint Auto-upload) <>Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2023 10:22To: Lewis, George <>Subject: Load succeeded.[iqt-glint.csv, Tue Dec 12 07:11:28 PST 2023] Rubicon automated file upload SUCCEEDED for the following file: Client UUID iqt File name iqt-glint.csv File time Tue Dec 12 07:11:28 PST 2023 Instance uuid c34c04ba-7647-4bbc-8468-96cc40f6fc1b The following lines were skipped due to errors.Summary of line-level errors:There are 1 line-level errors. Error Type Line Number(s) Error Description DUPLICATED_EMAIL 189 The Email in the user file, is already assigned to a different user in your Glint People Database. Compare the employees in your user file
I have only 3 people reporting to me and due to that i fall under some threshold for viewing the results. How can this be changed?
I would like to retake/reenter my survey. I did not enter comments as I planned. I thought it was going to be 2 part
how do I filter my comments out by department
Hi,Ericsson Leadership 360 Assesment report pending at "Awaiting Results" for 8 days. Could you please check if something wrong with my report generation.BR
I don’t understand how Glint is deciding to color code results in a pulse survey. I will see some items in blue, grey, or red and I can’t figure out what dictates the color coding. For example, I have one question with all favorable responses and score of 90 but it is colored red. Yet I have a different question with all favorable responses and score of 90 that is colored blue. This doesn’t make sense to me. Both questions are higher scores than the last survey so both have trended up. Why is one red and the other blue? I have not been able to find details on this coloring. Does anyone have more info on this?
Hi, i was able to access my team’s BES results a week or so again but now the link is not working for me. How can I access?Jessica
How i can view my past poll results.
I was reviewing my Leader Assessment Report in GLINT. When I selected one of the selections (Collaboration) the Leadership Assessment disappeared. I no longer have this as one of my selections as seen in the snapshot above.
Urgently trying to contact Glint via Support and Customer Success Manager but no reply. Does anyone have a contact number please? I’m trying to extend my survey which has closed.Thanks
There is a discrepancy between the number of leavers we have within the organisation and the number receiving the survey that I need to investigate, Even with out internal reports filtered to the people that should receive the survey, there is a large variation. Is there a way to pull a report of all of the employees that have been sent the survey so we can cross-reference with our leavers list and uncover the reason for the variance?
Is there a way to see only the score and results from my direct reports instead of the entire team? As a Manager the Supervisor’s direct reports are calculated into Manager results. I have a need to see only the results from my direct reports (Supervisors) and for it not to include the entire team. Thanks for your help.
When we go to “launch conversation” we can pick only between the tool pre-selected 3 strenght or 3 oppurtunities or 2 others. We want pick other areas, but seems not possible. Can you please help how to do it?
Dear Team, Until yesterday, I was able to see the in-progress Team Perspectives for my team.Suddenly, today the message comes as ‘Hi Rumjhum, you don't have enough respondents to see your team's results, but you can still have a successful ACT Conversation.’Please help me understand this change.
If I am no longer a manager and have moved to a different role within the organization, who do I need to contact to be able to stop receiving emails for reviewing survey results with my (former) team. There doesn't appear to be a way to do this from the website.
how do I see the comments from our glint survey?
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