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If an employee leaves the company is there a way to get a recast look at my survey results? When seeing comparative data in future years will that former employee be included?
How do I download the survey report that I submitted earlier?
Hi,the team want to choose another focus then the system makes as proposal- how do I choose that one? can’t find any button where I can choose. (only the six that are suggested) Karin
I have noticed that when you export a report that there are times when a section (for example a Heat map) will bleed to the next page or slide and sometimes it does not. Is there anyway to change the setting where it can be on one page regardless of the size/ number or rows or columns?
Has anyone found this guide? It doesn’t appear to exist
How do I view my Direct Line Manager Voice result when I am a Manager of Managers?
Hello all, How long does it take Glint to activate an account? Regards,Adnan
Hi,I want to create a new survey. Please can someone tell me what steps I need to take in the platform. Please don’t send me a video link 😀 unless it clearly shows the steps. ThanksTiffany
Hi there,We’ve recently completed a company wide survey and 2 member of the HR team have admin access to view the results of the entire company…but we have noticed that direct reports under us (who are not responsible for anything related to this type of work) who are line managers and that have only 1 direct report can incorrectly see the results of the entire company! From my understanding they should only be seeing the results of their 1 up Managers team (which is for 20 employees AND NOT ALL 580!). This appears to be a concerning bug/security/privacy flaw where Glint is determining everyone company wide and their results is part of the Admin users team… Anyone else noticed this issue and is it getting fixed?
How does someone resubscribe to Glint if they accidentally unsubscribed? They need to get the emails to take the survey, however they have unsubscribed accidentally. Thank you,
I validated my last survey of the month of October 2023 without doing so on purpose, would it be possible to redo ?
Hi team, When I’m looking at the results for bigger team sizes vs number of respondents. The respondents for bigger team sizes let’s say 21-30…. are these teams reporting directly to these respondents or maybe this team size includes smaller teams reporting to managers who report to those respondents? Thank you,Nadia
I did find the Day 1 my LES & Voice results into my HR Portal.,,But the 2nd Day onwards i could not find the link into My HR portal and also in the Dash Board.Please help me to find the link and to extract my LES & Voice results summary. ThanksBala
Hi, I would like to ask which answers we put in the GLINT. To be more specific, what does 1 stand for? I know; very negative=1 and extremly good =5But how did we explain it in the GLINT survey? 1-2-3-4-5Many thanks in advance! Best regards Karin
Hi,My Glint survey says i have 17 team members to fill in the survey, when in reality i have less people as my direct reports in my organisation. Is there any chance to validate your data vs Workday? Can i check somewhere what people are counted to the 17 number? Can we correct it, so i have reall results?ThanksPaulina
Hi, is it possible to have in one report that compares data from one survey to another, but different teams scores? For example, I want to take last years survey and one team score and compare it with this years survey results of another team. To have everything in one report and to see difference from one year to another?
I am trying to pull numbers from our 45-day onboarding survey and I need help understanding the data comparison data. I have my overall Onboarding eSat as my main metric of the survey in which I have benchmark comparison and a date comparison. I have attached an image to showcase what I am seeing. I would understand if instead of vs April it said vs July as July is 90 days previous from today (October 12th, 2023), but my date comparison shows April. When I toggle to the Last 30 days, it changes to vs August. Again, I would assume last 30 days from today would be September. Any help or insight to help me understand this is much appreciated! Thank you!
I dont see my team results as it was in the past.
I can no longer see the global Exit survey data for my company. When I first come in, it tells me my team is too small and then if I try to run a report and change the date range to all 2023 I get some data but still much less than I would expect for the whole company. I still have company wide access to the other survey programs. Is there something my admin has to change here?
Hello,I’d like to create 30-Day surveys for new hires. I’m not sure where to start within the portal. Help!
is it possible to print a completion from a survey that i have done?
I requested a password update but have not received it. Can you reach out to me via email
Hello, I am now the VPHR at HCA Florida Putnam Hospital. Can my record bed tied to that facility now?
I have an employee who just returned from a Leave of Absence and is unable to take survey. When he clicks to take the survey, he sees the message “Successfully Logged Out” immediately after he logged in. How can this be resolved? Thank you.
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