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How can I upload our new company logo that appears in the survey email?
On this response in the detail view for Skip Manager is this a score of zero or a skipped question? I am not sure if this means the question was skipped or the score was low.It shows two dashes when you hover over, so I assume the question was skipped but when I look at the results details is says zero.
When adding sections to the report, new sections are automatically added to the bottom. This isn't always the best place for that section, and the only way we've been able to re-order sections is to delete them and then re-add them in an order that makes the most sense. Is there a feature that allows you to move a section up or down?
If a manager sees that their results went down but they had moved teams and now have different results, is that based on their results the last time or the way the people that report to them now responded?
HiThere are only 10 eligible candidates for submitting survey in my Team. But it is showing for 11 people. Please correct it
Good MorningIt appears that I am missing several of my teams under my organization Who do I contact about this?
I am a Chief People Officer and thus also an admin for Glint - which is great except that I now don’t have access to the same tools that people leaders get with their results, conversations etc. Is there any solve for this?
Hello I need to enter my CEOs goals - how can I do this on his behalf?
I have created a cycle and chose a 7 point scale for feedback in all questions. Now i want to change it to 5 point scale but i cannot see the option to change it. Is there a way by which i can change it for all questions in one-go?
Is there any way to download the ppt report created by GLINT into my pc? Thank you!
Hi.I manage a group of managers as well as a group of designers. I’d like to run a separate conversation with the two groups. How can I do that?Regards,Malin
Good afternoon, I’m looking for the SSO Questionnaire for Integris Health to complete, as requested.
I have several reports with individual comments from employees. I can export them all to Excel, but there is no clear explanation how to use Text to Columns to display all the comments in the file appropriately. Can I ask for assistance with this?
Placed a Tech Support ticket 332731 with no response/update yet. How are we able to escalate a ticket for action to be taken? Thank you,Ross
Can I, as a employee, edit the completed survey?
If I click on deactivate employee, would it remove their input in the survey and update the survey results and corresponding metrics?
What does the red and blue and correlating score ranges mean in the heat map? Is that score below benchmark or is there some other meaning that influences the colors?
How can I verify the confirdentiality trashbold of our surveys in regards to the comments?
I have my latest results come through but it states I have 5 out of 7 staff complete the form. I only have 5 staff as the other 2 left (made redundant). Is there a way to correct my results?
I am trying to run a report that will show me 2021 employee engagement results, but can’t figure out how to do this, thanks
When exporting comments to Excel, I’d like to add some metadata to the spreadsheet with additional details like tenure, location, etc. When I add these filters, they are added at the top of the spreadsheet, but they do not appear as columns that can be sorted. Is there a way to add metadata details in the form of columns?
Our survey was original set to end today, we would like to extend the deadline until Friday. How do we do this?
Received the following message: “you don't have enough respondents to see your team's results, but you can view a summary of your broader team's results.” I do not get an option anywhere to do that. How can we look at something to know our feedback was actually collated in a way that someone, at some level in our organization can actually use it?
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