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How can I include the company logo on our surveys? Is there the ability to customise look and feel to match company branding?
Hi,We plan to encourage our teams to capture their action plans in Glint and I can see that visibility can be set to Manager or Public. As the HRBP I’d like to be able to see the Action Plans for all People Leaders in the function I support. Given I’m not the manager does this mean that People Leaders will have to set visibililty to public or is there another way I can view the action plans? If they set to public does that mean that anyone with access to Glint can see their action plans?
It seems as if my login to Glint has been locked. My email is james.hill@integrishealth.orgPlease reset my password and unlock my account to the Integris Health Glint survey results page for managers. Thanks. Grant Hill
Looking for a dashboard view of Glint engagement scores integrated with other HR data
I would like to be able to pull a report that shows participation rate and index score by individual department.70106 78% participation with an index of 74 - something like that.
In the report on comments as well as when I export comments, there is no indication if the comment is a positive, negative, or neutral other than the aggregate percentages at the top. Is there a way to sort the comments by sentiment?
URGENT: A quarter of my staff has not been able to access the Pulse survey, which is due in six days. I have sent multiple emails to the helpdesk and haven’t received a response. Please contact me as soon as possible, either by phone, 630-278-9325, or by email, Thank you for your ongoing assistance. Regards,Andrew
Do I need to import a new file every time I need to update active employees? Is there any way I can manually add them one by one?
I am trying to select multiple locations and remove a small portion. Is there a way to highlight or select All and just remove the few I dont need, similar to Excel when selecting multiple options withing a column? Or do I have to click on each location individually?
Why can't I see the participation during the survey? Many locations are blank. My understanding is that if it’s below 5 respondents, data will not populate. Is that accurate?
We ran a Pulse Survey in March 2024 that used a full set of questions, and in October 2024 we did a shorter survey will less questions. When we complete our survey in March 2025, we will be using a similar question set to March 2024.Will the comparison/trend data be against when the last question was asked i.e. if the question was asked in March 24 and not October, in the March 2025 survey, the trend will show against March 2024, but if the question was asked in Oct 24, that will be the comparison?
How can I create a generic survey link from a survey cycle.
How do I reach out to Glint support to have the surveys reset? I’m working at GE and I have some trouble with this. Thanks
I have a manager under me who ha a team reporting to him, but he is not getting a Glint report for his Team. The managers name is Richard Cumming and I would like him to be able to review his EIS Scores for his Team.
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