Glint Programs Overview - Survey Types

  • 17 October 2017
  • 6 replies

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  • 97 replies

This article was verified on December 20, 2021.


Glint believes that ongoing, frequent communications to solicit and collect employee feedback is crucial to an organization’s success. Glint offers engagement programs as a way for customers to send short, targeted surveys to their employees that will deliver rich insights which translate into actionable opportunities to improve business. Engagement is the degree to which employees invest their cognitive, emotional, and behavioral energies toward positive organizational outcomes. Engagement correlates with job satisfaction, commitment, involvement, and motivation. 

In addition to four types of Engagement survey programs, Glint customers can opt into Lifecycle surveys, 360 Feedback programs, Anytime Feedback programs, and Recognition programs.


Review the programs Glint offers, the template options within each program, and why our People Science team of experts believe they will help build your business. Within the survey programs, there are two general types of program to consider:

  • Organizational survey - Often administered by a global HR team and sent to all employees on a recurring cadence.
  • Business unit survey - Often administered by a core business team, HR team, or a local business leader with the goal of obtaining more specific information for a particular business unit.

Read Glint’s People Science Explains: Organizational Surveys and Business Unit Survey Considerations and Best Practices. Download the PDF a the bottom of this page.

Engagement Survey Programs

The following sections describe the Glint survey programs.

Quarterly Engagement Survey

Start with the Quarterly Engagement survey template. It includes all of Glint’s core engagement items making it an effective survey to determine a solid engagement baseline measure for your organization. The template includes items that all have benchmarks, translations, and action plans, and it has our recommended cadence and item order built in.  Learn about Quarterly Engagement Surveys.

Gold star. Glint Best Practice: Start with a Quarterly Engagement Survey.

Recurring Surveys  

Use to get feedback at a regular cadence. 

Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Survey

Diversity (the signal that an organization values uniqueness) and inclusion (the expectation and assurance that everyone can take part in organizational life) build the foundation for a strong sense of belonging. Employees with a strong sense of belonging are more likely to be engaged.  Learn about Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging Surveys.  People Science explains Glint’s DIBs philosophy

Culture Survey

Organizational culture influences how decisions get made, how people behave, shape experiences, and determine how work gets done. It’s important to measure your organization’s culture because culture is a group phenomenon. Learn about culture surveys.  People Science explains culture reimagined.

Manager Effectiveness Survey

Effective managers help their teams feel supported, inspired, and committed to the company vision. Manager Effectiveness surveys collect feedback at important developmental stages and provide clear insight to identify manager’s key drivers of effectiveness and suggested opportunities for improvement.  People Science explains Manager Effectiveness.

Patient Safety Survey

For healthcare organizations looking to assess culture of patient safety in a valid, reliable, and simple way. This survey is the shortest and easiest-to-use Leapfrog approved survey currently available in healthcare.  Learn Glint’s POV on healthcare surveying

Team Effectiveness Survey

Designed to encourage ongoing feedback and sustainable improvement. Team Effectiveness surveys identify each team’s unique dynamics and areas for improvement and then delivers customized team action plan content, ensuring teams can take immediate action to improve effectiveness. Results can be linked to other measurements the organization gathers from Glint programs. Team Effectiveness User Guide

Blank Recurring Survey

Create your own Recurring survey.

Ad-Hoc Surveys

Use to measure something out of the ordinary. For example, a big announcement or a new program.

Distress Survey

Employees need to be reassured that their organization and leaders are prioritizing their safety and needs and need to receive timely, fact-based, and candid communications about what’s happening, why, and the impacts it will have. Conversely, they need to express concerns and exert control where possible to protect against uncertainty.  People Science explains distress surveys

Blank Ad-Hoc Survey

Create your own Ad-Hoc survey.

Always-On Feedback

Use to allow you and your team to provide feedback and suggestions anytime it feels relevant.

Distress Survey Always-On

As above, but available whenever you or an employee wants to use it.  People Science explains distress surveys

Blank Always-On Survey

Create your own Always-On survey.

Lifecycle Surveys

An upgrade to our standard Engagement package. Email if you are interested.

Use to measure the employee experience during key moments in the employee journey. Lifecycle dates are automatically triggered based on an event date.

Onboarding Survey

With new hires there is a unique opportunity to direct their excitement and curiosity to sustainable, positive outcomes. By checking in with them often, and course correcting as needed, businesses can ensure initial excitement is used to sustain continued engagement and performance.  People Science explains the importance of onboarding

Exit Survey

Exit surveys are the first step to helping organizations understand why people leave, the experience they had as they left, and even what they might be willing to do for the organization after departing. Past employees have the ability to be a brand ambassador or could also tarnish a business’s reputation through negative feedback and reviews. People Science explains why the exit experience matters

Blank Employee Lifecycle Survey

Create your own Employee Lifecycle survey.

Feedback Programs

Glint feedback programs provide tools that leaders, managers, individual employees, and teams can easily adopt and use over time to support growth and development of employees at all levels.​ 

Glint customers who have purchased Glint’s People Success Platform (PSP) have access to Lifecycle surveys, 360 Feedback programs, Anytime Feedback & Recognition programs, as well as our Team Conversations feature. If you are not a PSP customer but would like to consider adding this to your Glint package, reach out to your Account Director.

360 Feedback

Use to help key team members build greater self-awareness of strengths and opportunities based on diverse perspectives.

Glint Manager 360 Program

Designed to support the development of leaders, managers, or other selected employees.  People Science explains 360 feedback.  Glint People Science Explains Development of 360 Feedback Survey Items

Blank 360

Create your own 360 Feedback survey.

Anytime Feedback

Use for employees at any level to help them learn and grow by leveraging feedback they seek from others at any moment, in real time.  People Science Explains why feedback mattersAnytime Feedback design guide

Meeting, Project or Event

Get feedback on how a specific meeting, project, or event.

Skill or Behavior

For an employee looking to grow in a specific way that is important for their continued growth and success.

General Growth Feedback

For an employee looking to increase their impact.

Performance Feedback

For feedback around whether or not an employee’s impact is positive or may have room to improve.


Create your own Anytime Feedback program.


Use to recognize a job well done. Organizations with comprehensive recognition habits that reinforce values, align with business priorities, and bolster careers report higher engagement, productivity, and performance.  People Science Explains recognition

Want to learn more about when to use which feedback program?  More here.


6 replies



I am new here.  How do I navigate to the pre-populated templates for the onboarding survey and exit survey

Please help.


Thank you.

Userlevel 3

Hi @veronas,

Welcome to Glint and to our community!

To find the lifecycle survey templates, log in to the Glint platform and click on the Configure cogwheel at the top right-hand side of the page. Then scroll down to the Pulses section and click on Pulse Programs. You will see a blue button on the top right-hand side (+ New Program). Click this button and scroll to the Lifecycle section.

Blue tiles indicate templates and you will see one for Exit and Onboarding from which you can start configuring a survey using our templates.

This page with resources may help you as you’re working through building out your surveys.

Best of luck with configuring your Lifecycle surveys!


Userlevel 1


Is there a way to download all the survey questions for the team to review - the project team would like to look through them.  Sorry I am missing something obvious.

Userlevel 3

Hi @Michele Madden,

It is possible to export your survey content which includes questions so you can share it with others. The steps to get there are highlighted in this article under the header “Survey program content exports.

Kind regards,


My abe is Maria A.Releford my supervisor has requested me to take a survey glint from which is apart of me me working at my job for a year,

Hi, is there a way for me to understand the features available in each program? e.g., do different pulse programs have different dashboarding capabilities? or are there benefits of choosing ad hoc over recurring surveys? Thank you. 
