
How do I delete Comments as an Admin

  • 14 August 2023
  • 1 reply

We want to delete specific comments from a recently closed survey, how do we do this?

1 reply

Hi @mbernath  On this page, you’ll find this info: 



Comments section

In this section, you can view all comments or see them by category. The total number of comments appears in the blue box at the top and comments by category, underneath.

Redacting and Quarantining comments

You may redact terms, which refers to  keywords flagged as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or as profanity:

  • Select Redact All Terms to replace all PII and profanity with five pound signs (#####).
  • Select Un-Redact All to replace ##### with the original comments.
  • Use the vertical ellipses next to an individual comment to select Redact or Un-Redact.

Quarantining comments

Sensitive comments can be quarantined by using the vertical ellipses next to the comment. By selecting Quarantine, the comment is now only visible to admins with the 'Manage Sensitive Comments' capability (generally HR). Similarly, comments may be un-quarantined. More information on Sensitive Data here.



