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I have a manager under me who ha a team reporting to him, but he is not getting a Glint report for his Team. The managers name is Richard Cumming and I would like him to be able to review his EIS Scores for his Team.
We ran a Pulse Survey in March 2024 that used a full set of questions, and in October 2024 we did a shorter survey will less questions. When we complete our survey in March 2025, we will be using a similar question set to March 2024.Will the comparison/trend data be against when the last question was asked i.e. if the question was asked in March 24 and not October, in the March 2025 survey, the trend will show against March 2024, but if the question was asked in Oct 24, that will be the comparison?
Our survey launched today, we noticed an error of leadership name and stopped the pulse so employees could not access the link. Are we able to relaunch the survey once we correct the error?Please adviseThanks
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