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The People Science team is excited to be attending the 2023 Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology annual conference. This year’s conference is April 19-22 in Boston. We are looking forward to learning from practitioners and academics in the field. Our team is thrilled to be presenting in the following sessions noted in the table below. 

Will you be at SIOP this year? Are you presenting at the conference? Please let us know in the comments below. We would love to see you there! 




Glint Presenters 

Time / Date 

Employee Experience: Easy listening, hard measurement 

Brenner, J., Fleck, C. R., Gaskins, V., Jankovic, R., Pollak, R., Vicino, M., & Weintaub, J. 

Rick Pollak 

April 20 at 8am  

Digital exhaust and employee surveillance ethics: If you can measure it, should you? 

Callan, R. C. (Chair), Dahling, J. J., Hampton, C., Kalafut, C., Tomczak, D.L. (2023). Digital exhaust and employee surveillance ethics: If you can measure it, should you? tPanel]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Boston, MA, United States. 

Carolyn Kalafut  

April 20 at 8am 


All Fun & Games? Creating Research-Backed Products & Tools That Are Enjoyable To Use 

Garcia-Marquez, C., Ostrowski, B., Willford, J., Simmons, P., Gandara, D. 


Caribay Garcia 

April 20 at 10:30a 

From Disruptors to Tech Titans- How Are I-Os in Big Tech Helping Change the World? 

Handler, C.H. (Chair, Discussant), Armstrong, M.B, Bremner, N.L., Downey, S.M., Fink, A.A., Sawheny, E.K. (2023). From Disruptors to Tech Titans- How Are I-Os in Big Tech Helping Change the World? HPanel] Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Boston, MA. 

Stephanie Downey 

April 20 at 2p 

Putting the I/O in CIO: Chief Information Officers as Agents of Behavioral Change  

Betancourt, K., Dube, M., Eskew, T., Garcia-Marquez, C., Kraus, A., & Ross, K. 

Caribay Garcia 

April 20 at 4p 

Nudges that Work: New Challenges and Technologies for Timely and Targeted Nudges 

Liao, H. (Chair), Callan, R., Pollak, R., Weintraub, J., Xu, X., & Yang, T. 

Rick Pollak 

April 20 at 5p (virtual)  

A Humanistic Approach to Global Talent Management 

Haas, J.B. (Chair), González Morales, M.G. (Chair); Downey, S., Lawal, T., Moukarzel R., Sawyer, K., & Vijayakumar, P. (2023). Alliance: A Humanistic Approach to Global Talent Management iPanel Discussion]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Boston, MA, United States. 

Stephanie Downey 

April 20 at 8am  

Engagement and Retention Strategies for Deskless Workers Across the Globe 

Haas, J.B. (Chair), Downey, S. (Chair), Barry, M., Beechly, L., Clausen, M., & Terrell, L. (2023). Alliance: Engagement and Retention Strategies for Deskless Workers Across the Globe tPanel Discussion]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Boston, MA, United States. 

Melissa Barry, Stephanie Downey, Lori Terrell (Glint customer)  

April 21 at 8a (virtual)  

Taking Action on Employee Surveys – Where are we now? 

Levine, S., Kane, L., Demko, B., Rice, L., Boyko, N., Maurath, D., Castro, V., & Grossman, M. (2023) Taking Action on Employee Surveys – Where are we now? aPanel]. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Boston, MA, United States. 

Stacey Levine, Beth Demko, Lauren Kane 

April 22 at 11:30a 

Leveraging Passive Data: From Creepy to Cool 

Kamin, A. M., Cook, I., Bethke, J., and Rosenow, R. (2023). Leveraging Passive Data: From Creepy to Cool (Panel). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Boston, MA, United States. 

Carolyn Kalafut 

April 22 at 11:30a 


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