Major changes in the works for our Community site

  • 9 April 2020
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 7

Exciting news: The Glint Community team is in the process of migrating our online community to a new platform.  This change will go live on June 22 and will have a significant (and - we hope - very positive) impact on the site's look and feel, navigability, and users' ability to access. 

Major changes will include:

  • A public landing page for easier sharing with team members who are not in the community
  • More focused discussions and QA sections
  • Updated access
  • Simplified navigation

Register for one of two welcoming sessions on June 30 for a guided tour of the new platform: 10a ET or 3p ET

Actions to take / What to expect as users:

  • Changes to authentication - For a period of time after the new version of the community goes live, all community users will log in with a username and password.  Most of you currently SSO through the Glint dashboard and use email address as username.  You will still be able to access the community through the dashboard, and can access the public home page without logging in, but you will need to log into it with a newly assigned username and password in order to view and participate in all content.  No action is needed currently; once the new community is live on June 22 and beyond, you will be able to create a new password from the site using your business email
  • A temporary read-only freeze - During the week of June 15 (starting after close of business June 12), the current community will be in read-only mode while we transition content to the new platform.  You will not be able to post new content, like posts, or update your profiles during that time.  
  • Subscriptions, private messages, and ranks/badges will NOT carry over -
    • If you currently follow a post, page, or people, those subscriptions will not migrate.  If you are very concerned about a particular type of content subscription, reach out to @bcolver19040 and I will help you set up your subscription in the new community once live.
    • If you have private messages with another community member that are important to you, please save those outside of the community platform.
    • We will start gamification fresh in the new platform, and are putting more energy into a recognition approach.  Points (which you earn by posting, responding to, commenting on, and liking content) will carry over into the new platform but badges, ranks, and other current forms of recognition will not.
  • Private Communities will be deleted (not applicable to most users) - When the Glint Community started, we created private community spaces for each customer to use as a place to store and share project-related content with their Customer Success Managers and project teams.  These were discontinued in early 2019 and will now be deleted entirely.  If you do currently use one of these spaces (unlikely for most users), please be sure to download and save any relevant content from it.

Additional information about the updates:

  • The community's domain will remain the same, and we are establishing redirect rules for all links so we do not expect users will have to update links in their internal communications or training materials.
  • Our training platform, Glint People Academy, will continue to require Single Sign On from the Glint dashboard.

We are so excited to bring the new experience to life, and hope that you enjoy it!  

Glint's community is currently on a platform powered by JX (formerly Jive) and moving to one powered by inSided.  

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