@CaitT This is an excellent question for support@glintinc.com. Will you please reach out to them?
@CaitT For the record - and thanks for the suggestion - this information has been added to survey FAQs:
Explain the “timeout” function for survey takers.
Survey Kiosk: The timeout for a user taking a survey from a Kiosk site will occur after 30 seconds of inactivity and these responses are not autosaved. The client login page will display once the page is refreshed.
Dashboard: The timeout for a user taking a survey from their Glint dashboard will occur after 30 minutes of inactivity. After 20 minutes of inactivity, a pop-up dialog box will alert the user to the impending survey expiration. Responses are autosaved for users taking their survey from a Glint dashboard.
Hi Judy,
Thank you so much for your response, is the Survey Kiosk the same as accessing the survey through an emailed link? And does a timeout trigger a “survey completion” for those who can only access the survey once?
@CaitT I’m not sure that I understand your question! I want to be sure that you get the right information so please reach out to support@glintinc.com. You can share this URL with them to let them know that we have already been chatting.