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  • 21 September 2021
  • 1 reply

How can i see the result by region or by team? As i can only see the result for whole global team.

How can i see the completed questionnaire? As i just join last month.



Hi Zoe, 

When logging into the dashboard you’ll just get an overview of the whole population you have access to (altough their might be a department split whilst scrolling down). My advice will be going into the ‘heat map report’ if reporting options are available for your role (click reports on the top of the dashboard window > heat map report). 

From there on you should be able to filter down to region by either clicking on ‘department hierarchy’ on the top left of the heat map and selecting ‘region’ or using the filter options by using the filter pane found in the top right of the window and selecting the right filters. 

Should also be possible in the executive summary report, but heat map will give an easier comparison.


all the best,


