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I’m trying to create an onboarding survey where we can check-in with the manager on how well their new hire is doing. Would I set this up as a lifecycle survey like I did for the check-in with the new hire? It would be similar questions and format as what we ask a new hire to complete about their first 30/90 days, but the manager would be completing instead of the new hire. 

@aguido Sending your question to the right Glintster!

Hi @aguido,

This is a bit tricky as Glint doesn’t have a straightforward way to administer hiring manager surveys in the same way we do for our other surveys. It requires workarounds to send a survey to a user (a manager) based off of someone else’s information (a new hire’s hire date), so there is definitely a heavier administrative burden on the customer to run this type of program.

One major requirement for this type of program is that you would need to be able to provide a separate attribute on your user file that would allow Glint to determine if a manager has had a recent hire on their team. Based on that new attribute, and depending on the situation, we may advise you to setup an Always-On, Recurring, or Lifecycle (least likely) program, but would need additional context to determine which one might be best for you.

All of that being said, there are a lot of nuances/things to consider when thinking about setting up this kind of survey, so please be sure to reach out to your CSM or to get all of the details. 


Sr. Customer Success Manager


@kbowen9161 as someone who has run this survey at other companies we believe it is very beneficial to administer. Understand that there may not be a way to easily automate the survey; so which program would be the best to use to then have a link to be able to send to the manager manually asking them to complete?

@aguido Totally understand the value! 

Although our platform wasn't designed for these types of surveys, a potential workaround could be to create an Always-On program. Even without automating the survey, you should still create the aforementioned additional attribute in order to restrict who would have access to the survey (otherwise, the entire company would see it under their “My Pulses” tab). Then, create a distribution list based off of that new attribute so that only managers with those new hires would be able to see the available survey. You can send the link to the survey directly to the manager who needs to take it and no communications will be sent from Glint. That being said, this workaround may not give you the results you're looking for and there are cons to this. Here are the major ones:

  • A hiring manager can only complete the survey once for a given time period, so if they have more than one new hire, they’d have to choose who they are providing feedback on. Alternatively, questions can be reworded more generally to cover more than one employee such as “How was this past quarter’s set of new hires?”, so a manager doesn’t need to take the survey more than once for that time period.
  • There is still not a great way for a Hiring Manager to specify who they are completing the survey for (which new hire) - the questions would have to be general and not specific to their new hire, such as the example stated above. (Note: there are workarounds to adding the New Hire name, but it would require additional edits to the user file, likely resulting in frequent manual updates to the user file by your admin team)
  • The reporting will show for the manager's manager. For example, you can't filter by manager to see their responses about their new hires - since results roll up in the manager hierarchy, you'd have to filter by that manager's manager to see their results that the hiring manager submitted.

There are ways to setup a Hiring Manager survey in a Recurring program (so the invitation gets pushed to a manager) or a Lifecycle program (so the invitation gets pushed to a manager based off of a trigger date), but they are more complicated and still have most, if not all, of the cons listed above. Always-On would be my best recommendation without any additional context.

I hope this helps! As you can see, there are quite a things to consider so please reach out to for additional detail.
