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Can we change the order of comments to most recent first?

  • 19 August 2021
  • 2 replies

A random question - is it possible to change the order in which comments are displayed in the Comments Report to show the most recent ones first? 

As far as I can tell they seem to be displayed in date order with the oldest comments first and I like to review the comments while surveys are live so I can bookmark any that are of interest/concern. But as we get thousands of comments to go through, it’s really frustrating  to keep scrolling through all the ones I’ve already read to find the most recent ones. Is there a setting where I can change this so I can easily see the most recent comments for each question?

If not, could it be added to the enhancement list please to be able to change the default setting?

Not sure how old this is, but this would be great! Did you find a solution Samantha? I bookmarked comments as I reviewed them, but then I ended up with 5000 comments that were bookmarked, and there’s no easy way to mass un-bookmark stuff.

An easy way to keep track of what you have reviewed vs not would be great. Or something in the Sensitive Comment section that allowed me to Okay or Ignore going forward would work.

Hi @wayne.stevens. Sadly not - I still haven’t found a solution and it’s still a pain! @mjfarrar is there any way this could be proposed as an enhancement?
