
Automated Response Rate Reporting

  • 10 June 2020
  • 1 reply


One of my leaders would like to get an automated report on his participation every morning at 8am. Is there a way to set this up?

Thanks! Susan

1 reply


Hi, Susan! 

The Glint Platform does not support automated or "push" reporting, so there is not a way for your leader to receive a report directly from Glint to his inbox each morning. For an easier method of accessing, you could help the leader create a customized saved report with the specific information he wants to review each morning. Then he would just need to access the platform, go to Reports, and click on that saved report to see the exact breakdown of data each day. Here is a page that walks through saving reports: Saving and Exporting Reports 

Alternatively, you could prepare a Shared Report with the information he wants to see and provide him the link to view that report. Then he could authenticate via SSO and click that shared report link each morning to view the data. Note that with this option, he would not be able to do any additional filtering on the report since you created it originally. Here is a page that discusses Shared Reports: DOC-1072 

I hope that helps!
